
Live Art Generation Game by Susannah Hewlett

UK based artist and performer Susannah Hewlett makes work which tranverses gallery, theatre and other performance contexts, often playfully disrupting the structures of venues in which it takes place. In the Live Art Generation Game Hewlett subverts the challenge from the bygone Saturday night television show - The Generation Game - where the contestant must memorise all the objects passing on the conveyor belt in order to win them.

The ideas of popular culture and ridiculous competitions relate well to the current body of work TurnHurst are undertaking, in both live performance and video we chanllenge each other through absurd competitions such as how many crackers can be eaten in a minute, or who can make the best origami crane to an instructed video.

Much of Hewletts work deals with the absurdity of television and popular culture and the frames that are subconciously hidden within television and visual media. She also touches upon how humour can be used within art and work up until the poinbt the audience feels uncomforatble or irritated.

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